You can now buy your copy of the hot MIXTAPE ‘Customer Service’ inside the Riverside, Galleria at Tyler! Visit Custom Creations, located inside the Galleria at Tyler and buy a copy TODAY! Don’t forget to follow Punch on TWITTER @darealpunch
Hello world!
YO! By popular demand, you can now check out PUNCH online! Listen to his music, watch the videos, stay up on recent/up and coming events and much more!
Thanks to all of the fans who continually support PUNCH! The Customer Service mixtape is the hottest thing in the streets, primarily due to all the love being shown by supports!
Get an inside look at pictures taken during the music video shoot for ‘Air’em Out’ the new single off the mixtape CUSTOMER SERVICE… The video is a must see and will be available soon!!
If you’re in Riverside and make a stop by the Galleria at Tyler, pay a visit to Custom Creations and pick up your copy of “CUSTOMER SERVICE” … 2289 Galleria at Tyler Riverside, CA 92503 Yes y’all.. You can now buy the hot mixtape “CUSTOMER SERVICE” @ Platinum Collective in the city of Corona! Platinum Collective ...
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Consectetur adipisci. Belit, sed quia non numquam eius modi tempora incidunt, ut labore et dolore ater magnam aliquam quaerat voluptatem. ut enim ad minima ven m, quis nost. Rum exercitationem ullam. Corporis suscipit laboriosam, nisi ut aliquid ex ea commodi consequatur? quis autem vel eum iure reprehenderit Fusce euismod consequat ante. Lorem ipsum dolor...